Why our higher education is so corruptAfter disruptions to society during the 60's and 70's the universities began to install administrators usually under the "Office of Student Life" or "Office of Student affairs." These organizations exist to control the narrative and keep student activism, "under control." 5 reasons why students are particularly vulnerable
The manipulation of the student population has led to out of control corruption at CUNY, and a culture of silence. 5 examples of stories about CORRUPTION at CUNY.
The sad state of student activism While students are never explicitly told about the horrible state of student activism, the signs are all over the place. The University bookstore is an open and obvious scam. Professors who look and sound like activists are used to control student activism. They may even have some level of authentic sympathy for students and mean well, but when it comes time to truly speak truth to power they will use their skills to deflect the movement from examining pathways that threaten their own privilege. They will often encourage the formation of social hierarchies where certain people get special support, access, and resources while claiming to be, "for the people." They use attractive professors who look and sound like activists with comfortable salaries and maybe even a previous body of work cannot excuse their silence during the CURRENT cycle. Their ability to confront power openly, especially college and university administrators will be conspicously absent. Don't fall for the lies and manipulations! The more likeable and relatable they are, the better they can distract you from your purpose! The astroturf activism which is prevalent on college campuses is good for some things but designed to control activism on behalf of those with power. Do not throw them away, but do not let them dictate the conversation. They have their own interests and they will exploit you if you give them the opportunity! The most common method used to trick student activists. The activism that you see talked about in the media is often one millionaire fighting another millionaire. The issues and priorities of the "little people" are completely ignored or redirected to serve one side or the other. The manipulators will try to convince you that there is a "bad"side and a "good" side. Both sides should be considered with a healthy amount of skepticism and also evaluated for their potential value. They will say a portion of the truth and gain your trust. They will engage in some forms of activism (usually protests or meetings) that serve as a release valve for pent up frustrations while providing no real true advancement on the issues that most truly are oppressing students. The protests at Columbia on behalf of Palestine gathered THOUSANDS of students and outsiders. However Columbia is located in the 69th NYS assembly district.
However despite having lots of protests and encampments the state assembly member that won the race was Micah Lasher the ONLY candidate who was supported by the Israel Solidarity PAC. Students are discouraged from engaging in electoral politics, but why? So they can execute a revolution and kill a bunch of people and get their way? How can they have a revolution if they can't even establish control over a ballot box? And so you have both Democrats AND Republicans falling over themselves to support Israel and the voice of students is effectively and purposefully exhausted into engaging in activities which are deliberately inefficient and only prove how the movement is controlled. If the ineffectiveness of this kind of activism is not enough to convince you then look at the ABSENCE of actual war victims at the head of these events. There is a lot of "professional activists" of national stature such as Jill Stein, Cornel West, Brian Becker, and others who have not been truly affected by war and who push actual war victims like djelf7 out of the way in order to comandeer the resources and attention of the anti-war community. It is as absurd as having a reparations event or criminal justice reform event and excluding black people. Where did the money for PSL's signs and DSA's tinted window SUV's come from? It was stolen from other activists! CORRUPT STUDENT GOVERNMENTThe student governments and resistance groups are highly coopted and controlled. Watch as the head of the CUNY student government deliberately ignores relevant comments in the chat! This video shows how University administrators manipulate student leaders and corrupt them! Check out the facebook page to interact in real time with other students and activists! Join the mailing list to get updates about upcoming actions. Contact: djelf7@djelf7.com